Wednesday, December 14, 2011

They're ALL Winners!

[I had to put this in a proper post, so the results weren't lost! -Jenny]

They're ALL Winners!
OK, perhaps Navy scored am few more points, but Army beat the point spread, so really, who actually won the game? Just wait until next year! So, for the other contest of the day – The “Hop Battle”, here are the results and analysis….. 

HOPBACK by Troegs
Short head & no sign of carbonization. Mellow color. Bold hoppyness, but that’s what I was expecting from all these contestants. The beer was a little sweeter than anticipated (but I lean toward sweeter beers anyway), and not too much bitterness. I felt the beer was smooth, tasted good, but was still looking forward to the other contestants.

HOPWOLLOP by Victory
Lighter in color, but a bigger head in glass upon pour. Full hop flavor & smell, but a little too citrusy for me for a more winter oriented beer. Seemed a little raw on my pallet (maybe it was the 8.5% alcohol content?). With the heavy citrus (imo) overtones, it might make a better competitor for the Belgian whites or local Heavy Seas varieties (with their high alcohol content). Seemed to fill me up & tried to prevent me from eating any more of the junk food I’d laid out for the game. After recovery, I sampled …

HOPDEVIL by Victory
Big large head upon pouring, & a very hoppy smell & flavor on first sip. I can say that for the first time I recognized the “Piney Overtones” that many analysts’ have made reference to in evaluating beers. But despite what other more experienced critics have had to say about this brew, I wasn’t all that impressed. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good, really good, but not what I was looking for this late in the game.

Only for the purpose of objective scientific research, I felt obligated to go through the sampling process again during the second half, just to verify my initial observations… (After all, if an experiment can’t be replicated, the conclusions drawn are suspicious! – right)? 

HOPBACK by Troegs! It was the smoothest, and even had a good head after my 2nd pour where I poured it directly into the glass rather than down the side (like thought was the ‘old school’ way?). It just tasted better & went down smoother. I have a hunch this is Matt’s favorite domestic beer, but his preference had no influence on my analysis.

I think my next competition may center on “Bock Beers,” as spring is just around the corner. Or at least something to look forward to? Perhaps we can coordinate it with “The Final Four” basketball play-offs? Let me know who’s got game for it!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny Gray,
    Thanks for posting my hop contest evaluation as a separate posting. I think my current blog skills fall far behind my 'beer sampling' skills. I'm working on both areas in order to keep up with you guys!
    So, anyone interested in a "Commercial Bock Contest?"
