Monday, September 1, 2014

Worst beer ever

From Minhas Craft Brewery in Wisconsin. Wisconsin should be ashamed of itself, or at least its beer-loving citizens should demand better. This is a bad, bad beer. It isn't drinkable. Really, it's not.

Rather than describe its terrible-ness, I'll draw from a review on Beer Advocate:

"You ever make a really bad, inexcusable, incredibly offensive mistake? Maybe one time you accidentally killed your mom's dog (total accident, like you sat on it)? Or maybe you meant to fart in the pool only, whoops, out came poop, a lot of it, and you didn't tell anybody, just went inside, swim trunks still on, and sat down Indian style on your uncle's expensive Persian rug and played a few games of Uno. 

Those are bad things, man. But you know what? I got you some redemption. Drinking a full bottle of Shergill IPA is such an unimaginable, scary thing--such a life defining mistake--that it will supersede any and every other awful thing you've ever done. 

This looks, smells, and tastes like poison. Please pardon the lack of beer technicalities in that description--it's just that this doesn't in any way even slightly resemble beer. It's like some someone filled a bottle up with roach spray and it just got mislabeled at the factory. 

It's inexcusable. Every person who was involved in its manufacture and sale should ben ashamed of themselves. Just buying and attempting to consume it has made me a worse person. 

This isn't just a bad beer. It's an experience."

Another review noted that it's available at $9.00 a case. Well, there's a clue.

Let's see....others described it as:

  • like a moldy piece of grass
  • soggy cardboard
  • dirty bathroom fixtures
  • dead flower hops
  • and last but not least......a malty infection
Ew! Consider this a public service announcement and avoid at all costs.

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