Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Old School IPA "Extra" Hops

For you California readers, this beer isn't anything new to you, but it is for me. Matt introduced it to me as a reward for baby sitting at Oakwood, & I've been looking for it ever since. I first found it in "a hole in the wall beer store" in Thurmont Md (Jenny Gray will appreciate the location).
It's super hoppy! Jenny Gray says via Skype that they're jealous of missing high level hoppy beers in the CR, which is puzzling because that's where all the good hops come from. Go figure! Anyway, here's the link to their site, http://www.lagunitas.com/beers/ipa.html. And btw, they have a Czech Pilsner that they market here in the states. It'd be interesting to compare it to the real stuff in the CR.


  1. Yes! You posted! It's true, I'm very jealous of that beer. Lagunitas holds a soft spot in my heart. Their Czech pilsner is also very good, in my opinion, although it doesn't have the wonderful over the top flavor of the IPA. The pilsner is usually cheaper though. The rest of my comment will be about your desk. What's all that stuff??? You're usually such a neat and orderly person. That looks more like my desk :) -Jenny

  2. Thanks for the tip about "the pilsner is usually cheaper though". I'll track that cheaper but good quality beer down! As to your comment about my desk clutter in the picture... 1) The picture is from the left side of my computer, where I put all the stuff I don't want to deal with right away.
    2)The right hand side of my desk is clutter free, just as you remember me being so organized.
    3)PS Nice of you to notice how I've changed/relaxed in my personal habits since I've retired. :)
