Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Old School IPA "Extra" Hops

For you California readers, this beer isn't anything new to you, but it is for me. Matt introduced it to me as a reward for baby sitting at Oakwood, & I've been looking for it ever since. I first found it in "a hole in the wall beer store" in Thurmont Md (Jenny Gray will appreciate the location).
It's super hoppy! Jenny Gray says via Skype that they're jealous of missing high level hoppy beers in the CR, which is puzzling because that's where all the good hops come from. Go figure! Anyway, here's the link to their site, http://www.lagunitas.com/beers/ipa.html. And btw, they have a Czech Pilsner that they market here in the states. It'd be interesting to compare it to the real stuff in the CR.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Blonds have more fun

Belgian Strong Pale Ale

We'll be buying this one again. Although not czech, it's available at the big supermarket (Tesco). Really tasty, and Matt and I are not normally huge Belgian fans. 

Here's what one of the beer websites had to say: 

Poured a vibrant clearish gold w/ two-finger fizzy head that died slow and left lace down the glass. Somewhat trypical Belgian aroma of yeast and orange citric, but I'm also picking up light sweet notes as well as some funky herbal hops a touch of fruit. Light, crisp body that passes easily and is lively on the tongue thanks to good carbonation. A touch of spiciness complements the beer, but it's mostly a balance of light fruit like pears/grape/apple(?) w/ a sour twist. Also some good sugary sweetness and bready/chewiness make this a pleasure to drink and overall a solid compact brew that is nice to sip on.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Inaugural Post

Hello friends. This is a group beer blog, or maybe beer-wine-and-spirits blog, since we have a crew that's very enthusiastic about their beverages. It's just our same limited audience, but everyone is encouraged to post. We've appointed David, brewer extraordinaire, as our BeerLeader for Beerasaurus Rex.

To kick things off, here's one of our latest here in Prague. Like many of the others, it's extremely drinkable & tasty. But again, not overly flavorful.

Now, over to the rest of you. Let's kick things off!