Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ugandan Brews

In Uganda, we have beer. It's all cheap and light and most 20 oz. bottles (the only size) cost about $1- $1.50. None of it is great, but it's readily available and sometimes cold. There aren't too many choices, but I've found my warm and cold favorites. 

Not pictured here, but also available in my village and throughout Uganda:
  • Nile Special- I don't like it much, but it seems to be a hit with foreigners. The brewery is located on the Nile near Jinja, but I've heard that a brewery tour will turn you off from ever drinking a Nile again.
  • Senator- a local favorite. I've only had it warm and when there's nothing else to choose from and I think it always tastes skunked and very metallic. The story goes that 'Senator' was created when President Obama became a Senator in 2004 (his father was Kenyan).
  • Eagle- I was a fan at first. It has the highest abv (although still comes in under 6% I think), giving you the biggest 'bang for your buck.' In the beginning, I even though I could taste the hops. But now, every time I have one, I'm really disappointed. It just tastes like sweet water with a metallic aftertaste.

Tusker Lager, my cold favorite. It's light and refreshing after a hot day in the equatorial sun... and I like the label. Brewed in Kenya. The slogan, 'Bia Yangu, Nchi Yangu,' means, 'My beer, my country' in Swahili.

Tusker Malt, also from Kenya. It's the only 'local' beer that comes in a 12 oz. bottle but has the price tag of a 20 oz. bottle. Not bad, but I like the lager better.

Bell is a local favorite. My counterpart goes to 'Ring the Bell' during soccer games. I believe it's the oldest beer in Uganda, dating back to 1950.  It's a bit sweet for me, but I'll have one on occasion.
My favorite beer when there's no refrigeration, and more readily available than Tusker Lager, is 'Club.' It's quickly becoming my favorite. There isn't a lot of flavor, but it's a pleasant crisp lager that's really drinkable on a hot day. Best enjoyed on the shores of Lake Victoria, as pictured above :)

1 comment:

  1. whooohoo for beer posting! and now we're seriously international. thanks for sharing. I hope to enjoy a club - or go ring a bell - myself! especially if I can do it lake front with my bestest sis.
